Montag, 25. April 2011

The first week at Simpler Thyme

Kelly, Vinny, Magali, Christian and me playing THE TRAIN GAME (we played every night and sometimes twice per night)!

Really, really funny ducks, I wish you could see them running (they always stand up. haha)

What a beauty!

Feeding lots of cats with Christian (they have about 15 cats and the other day we found about 11 kittens).

Christian and Vinny, my best buddies here, but both left today :( Here during one of our card games, of course with a little snack.

That is the garden we work in everyday. We usually have a little "sing-a-long" while we are working, our favorites are old songs, for example Tina Turner - Private Dancer, haha. That makes you have a lot of fun while digging in the dirt :)

Me and Vinny (he is from Newcastle, England) - BORN TO FARM!

One of my first jobs, fixing the chicken fence so they can't escape anymore.

In front of my trailer (at the other end of the property), enjoying a talk to somebody special.

A beautiful, beautiful sunset, SO AMAZING!!

I took the chance and grabbed the guitar to play on the porch while enjoying the beauty of the sky. It was a magical feeling!

One night out, me and Christian had a blast singing "Best time of my life" of Dirty Dancing, haha!

Give a ball to the boys and they are ok :) We using our free Saturday with playing soccer and feeling the warm air on our skin. The best feeling to put on shorts and a T-shirt and feel a warm breeze and smell the grass!

A short stopover in....

Toronto, Ontario! Welcome to East Canada :)

Ok, if you tell me, I will do it, you are welcome haha.

There are actually lots of old buildings in Downtown Toronto, which makes it look quiet nice.

The famous CN-Tower (I will try to go on the top one day)!

And also hilarious bus-stops. A good feeling to see some green spots between all the skyscrapers.

I used the 1,5 hours stop to go for a walk to Lake Ontario. It was nice, even with a upcoming snowstorm that soaked me on the way back.

Enjoying the quietness!

Me and my luggage are waiting for the Greyhound-Bus to drive us to the Simpler Thyme Farm in Hamilton

And there it is (ok, I took this picture on the way from Alberta to Toronto when we had a stop in Saskatchewan ;)

Donnerstag, 21. April 2011

The next step

Hey everybody.

I spent 3 months in Northern Alberta and the time I had in Grimshaw was definitely the best I had in Canada, I found friends for live and enjoyed the best winter of my life. As you can see on all the pictures, I felt non-stop happy, free and at the right place. Lisa and Erik really made this time unforgettable!

But because it is a “once in a lifetime” experience, it was time to move on, even when it was a sad feeling to leave. So it was time to discover the East of Canada, after I spent 9 months in the West (British Columbia, Alberta and the United States). I jumped on the Greyhound Bus and went for a 3(!) day ride through almost the whole country.

Now I am in Hamilton, Ontario, which is about 1 hour south-west of Toronto. The “Simpler Thyme” Farm seems after a week as a really nice place to be. The family and all the other Wwoofers (we are about 15 people) seem friendly and nice.

Hopefully I am able to visit the Niagara-Falls on the weekend and check out Downtown Toronto on another weekend.

In 3 weeks I am going to travel to Montreal and visit Samuel (the french guy I spent the first 3 nights in Vancouver with), before my parents are coming to Montreal on May 19. I am really excited about all that already.

Me and my parents are going to travel to Halifax, Nova Scotia, together, and when they leaving, I am going to stay for 2 more weeks in Halifax at my friends house (Cody, the guy I lived with in Whistler).

And after those 2 weeks it is June the 20th, and I am going to jump on a plane and come back to Germany!

So far my situation in Canada right now. I am feeling good and I am going to enjoy my last 9 weeks that I have left of my life-long dream that came true :)

Peace, Bene

Two bike tours to Grimshaw

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

The Beauty of Nature

Watching an amazing sunset!

And sitting in the field, enjoying a cold "Moosehead" and the quietness!

The Northern Lights, unbelievable beautiful, hard to imagine if you didn't see them in real time! Fascinating!!

Animals as the live

Look at that little bugger, showing me its tongue.

Are the cats waiting for some chicken to cuddle with??

Oh yeah, the cows are really happy to get new hay. You are welcome guys :)

And that's how it comes in the pen, thanks to Lisa for driving the tractor like an expert :)

Sitting on the Ski-Doo, being excited to go for a little ride over the snow

This is the cutest dog EVER, little boy Buddy. Look at the eyes, I just wanna cuddle that guy and put a smile on his face!

And another one who needs to be cuddled, the "always-on-the-shoulder-jumping" Cat Malina.

One of the last moments with the pigs. We didn't even need jackets anymore, it got warm in the end.

I guess there are two "look-a-likes", yes, I mean the pig and the hay bale, isn't that funny!?

And just like we did, the Bulls enjoying the sunshine and the nice temperatures. And never forget "RELAX" :)

Dienstag, 5. April 2011

A little bit of French Canadian Culture in Northern Alberta!

Notice the French on the sign above. I thought I was in an all English speaking area to be greatly surprised when we went this small town winter carnival just 45 minutes away.

There were even french bands playing there. This was a sweet Jazz band that covered some English and French bands.

Who ever thought that maple syrup could taste so good! It's a common french canadian tradition to boil down maple syrup then pour it onto snow and you create a maple toffee.

They had team competitions from log sawing to this parcour.

There was plenty of games even some as crazy as this pillow fight.

More maple toffee...

Curling anyone???

The extreme parcour...

This was the best ice sculpture. A canoe sinking into the rocky waters....(A flashback of the explorers who made there way up to northern Alberta.)