Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

The last week at Simpler Thyme Farm, Hamilton, Ontario

One of the greenhouses, the lettuce is growing and growing

The end of the property, the trailer that I lived in and the house of our farmer Bill

One of the friends I met on the farm, our donkey

Overview over the land

A lazy day for the goat.

And a lazy day for Bene ;) After I fell asleep the sun gave me my first sunburn of the year...

Some work impressions, feeding the ducks and rabbits.

And stealing the chicken eggs

And here is the hot-house, where everything starts growing.

Here I am making the chicken happy with fresh food, hmmmm....

Weeding in the fields, enjoying the sun

Romain and me building a new greenhouse

Taking care of the asparagus and burning in the sun. After last week we all had red skin and sunburns.

Enjoying the warm end of the days, after our working hours

And having a nice sunday-night barbecue with a fresh beer in the garden

Playing hockey, of course, I am in Canada ;)

Warm enough to jump in the pool, after I had a snack (yogurt with fruits) and before I had a cold beer in the cold pool.

A beautiful sunset showed us, it was time for a fire again.

Making smores, a real canadian thing (crackers, marshmallows and chocolate)!

Playing the traditional board-game in this house, THE TRAIN GAME

A whole game session, two board games, where ALL the people were playing at once.

Another amazing night on the farm, it is soooo beautiful!!

A big meeting with everybody around the fire

Our japanese guy was in charge of cooking, so we had really good japanese lunch and dinner

Ann (the boss here) and Charles, one of the farm-workers, beautiful people, so friendly and welcoming

The main house, where I live in the basement

I had a lot of fun, cutting the grass :)

Home-brewed beer from Iowa, of the wwoofer (Vanessa) brought it here.

Finally I managed it to write some postcards...who will get them? ;)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wow, Everything looks so sweet, from the beautiful sunsets, all the people you've met, the farm, and then montreal and your family. Can't wait to see the next leg of the journey. Meanwhile Grimshaw misses you, and the pigs miss you... and I miss you!!!
